An application has been filed under Section 439 Cr.P.C on behalf of the accused represented by our firm.
That learned counsel of our firm submitted that applicant is suffering from bronchial asthma, nasal blockage, on and off nasal discharge, trigeminal neuralgia/episodic migraine with pansinusitis with left maxillary polyps with bilateral blocked osteomeatal complexes with right side DNS. So our counsel prayed for interim bail.
Learned prosecutor opposed the application that applicant was granted interim bail on same grounds.
Learned counsel of our firm submitted that immediately after being released from custody, the father of the applicant has expired and therefore most of the time was consumed in performing the last rites and ceremonies and also he had met with an accident and got his leg fractured and hence the treatment for the ailments could not be taken.
ASJ Anil Antill considered the facts granted interim bail on furnishing personal bond of sum Rs.30,000/- on terms that the applicant shall not try to hamper the investigation or tamper evidence and shall not directly or indirectly make any inducement, threat and promise to the complainant or any person/witness of the prosecution. The applicant shall join investigation as and when required and shall keep mobile number operational at all times and shall inform if mobile number changes.
The original order is attached hereto: State Vs Rahul @sumit