Civil Litigation
Civil litigation is indubitably and certainly the most crucial litigation ever been said. Civil Law consists of a body of rules, procedures, regulations and judicial precedents that helps in resolving various non-criminal disputes. These disputes are either between individuals or organizations and can be on a variety of problems like recovery, land disputes, land acquisition, stay orders, property matters. So, we at Ambient Alliance provides a complete range of civil litigation with our wide variety of experience on civil laws.
Ambient Alliance deals with a variety of civil matters such as recovery, injunction, property matters, rent-landlord, writ petitions, etc. Ambient Alliance have highly proficient civil litigation lawyers in Delhi who are not only result-oriented but adopt a humanity approach while presenting arguments before courts.
The basis of civil litigation comes under ambit of civil procedure code which encompasses of sections, orders and appendixes. While in day-to-day litigation, the most used section is 151 which provides that Nothing in this Code shall be deemed to limit or otherwise affect the inherent power of the Court to make such orders as may be necessary for the ends of justice or to prevent abuse of the process of the Court.
The most highlighted factor clients don’t get it that law is tough and complex specially when it comes to civil law but this is the not the case. Everything is provided in the law from filing to suits to till exit. Law is not hidden because it is built for the people. It has a transparent mechanism but the legal language could only be the factor but if reads thoroughly then law is the most beautiful language.
Finding a civil lawyer is Delhi can be difficult but cannot be hard. So, it is most advisable to seek advocates who go to courts daily and have success cases. In relation to this, Ambient Alliance team is perfect in court crafts, the routine the firm makes is quite obvious that the team has cases to dealt in court’s everyday and Advocate Pankaj Srivastava by his own discretion go to court to argue matters because he believes that sensitive matters need to be nurtured properly. On the other hand, senior associates always stay as a backbone to the Advocate Pankaj Srivastav.
Some of the important sections and cases in civil law and their solutions:
- Property Matters –
- What to do when someone staying in your land for a long time, neither paying rent, nor evacuating.
- What to do when you claim a specific land is yours and someone claiming your land as theirs.
- How to do when you want to transfer your property to your next generation legally.
- What to do when you a took a loan by mortgaging your property documents but after repayment the mortgagor is not returning.
- What is the right of daughters on property of their fathers?
- How to do partition?
- How to execute a registered a sale deed?
- How to sale your house legally?
- How to buy a house legally?
- How to change your use of land?
- Money
- What happens when you lend money to someone and is not repaying your money on time and you have no proof to lend because all this happened through oral agreement.
- What happens when you have a valid agreement to lend but still the other party is not repaying.
- What happens when you take a loan but unable to repay on time and lender is threatening and abusing you.
In all these above cases, a strong litigation advocate is required to handle this kind of disputes. There are thousands of advocates but the best way to find out is going through a success case on record and their manner of court visits. Court craft is different specifically on district court.