The factum of the case is that accused kidnapped a minor girl aged 14 years from the lawful guardianship of her parents with the intention that she will be compelled to marry him against her will and in order to seduce her to illicit intercourse and thereafter, as alleged accused committed rape without her consent.
Our learned counsel represented the matter on behalf of accused and father of the prosecutrix deposed that his daughter had taken some jewelery and cash with here and he suspected in his complaint that accused chhotey lal along with this one friend enticed his daughter.
ASJ Gaurav Rao considered that burden lies on the prosecution to prove the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt. The prosecution is under legal obligation to prove each and every ingredient of offence beyond any doubt, unless otherwise so provided by any statute.
Hence, the accused got acquittal for the offences he has been charged of:
To read more in detail, the original judgment is attached.
State Vs Chhote Lal