A Writ petition is filed by our learned counsel on behalf of petitioner for extension of parole granted to the petitioner vide orders dated 27.11.2020 and 07.12.2020 because of the death of his brother-in-law. Now the petitioner prays for extension of parole on the ground he is unwell and even was admitted on 04.01.2021 in Dr.Jagpal Healthcare Clinic, Sultan Pur near Mehrauli, Delhi with a complaint of fever, cold, headache etc. for about 6 hours and thereafter discharged with medical advice.
The petitioner herein is not keeping well. Further it is submitted he has also executed sale documents in respect of his property and shall receive an amount of Rs.55.00 lacs as per the agreement executed by him on or before 21.01.2021. The factum of illness of the petitioner as also he has received a part payment of an amount of Rs.10.00 lacs has also been
verified by the State.
Justice Yogesh Khanna held that parole shall be granted till 21.01.2021 on the same terms and conditions as enumerated in the orders dated 27.11.2020 and 07.12.2020. The learned counsel for the petitioner assures the petitioner herein shall positively surrender on 22.01.2021 and shall not file any application for further extension.
Petition stands disposed of.
The original order hereto attached:PAROLE BEFORE HIGH COURT